"And now abide faith, hope love, these three; but the greatest of these is love." I Cor 13:13
Welcome friends!!!
We wish you only the very best,
Kimani, Datnee, Nehemiah, Kimberlee, Daniel, and Naomi Smith
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Fun Filled Summer 2009
So our plan is to do at least two big outings a month. I am really excited about that. Some of the things we will doing are listed below:
M&M Factory
Hershey Park
Ballooning Fest
Cherry Blossom Festival
Montauk Lighthouse
and several other things we want to do... I am so looking forward to it. Our goal is to really connect with each other and enjoy, no savor, each and every moment we have together.
There it is.
She was just watching her hand as she moved it back and forth for a good while.
She also sucks her thumb. Well, she would suck her thumb if she would just open her thumb and let it in her mouth, but she usually keeps her fist tight and suck the length of the thumb. I am not even sure if this makes sense, but it is the best I could do. I guess I should say she sucks her fist.
Anyway, it is so wonderful to enjoy all these things with her. I was back at work at this stage with Nemi and I am really enjoying being home this time around.
Hair today, Gone tomorrow
My girl is so precious... Love you girl.
Ok Mama
Well, yesterday we were waiting at Kimani's job until he finished his shift and Kimberlee needed her pacifier, so I gave it to her and I ask Nehemiah, "Nemi is she ok?" and he reaches over and says, "Are you ok Mama?" It was so cute. It made me laugh.
Oh! Nemi you are such a great big brother. I love you buddy! [I cannot call you baby anymore because you are now 5 years old and you are a big boy].
Saturday, March 21, 2009
A day at the park
After Kimani's meeting we decided to just bite the bullet and go to a near by park to enjoy the not-so-cold weather instead of going to the house and sleep.
Let me tell you we had such a great time. It was truly the best 25 minutes we spent today. Though we were exhausted and in much need of a nap we took the kids out (Nemi and his cousin) and had a great time seeing them play in the park.
We wondered why we had not gone out there before. It is only two blocks from the house and very many times we wanted to do something that was not as far as Central Park and not a museum where silence and stillness is required. With Nemi and ourselves bored out of our minds that park would have been a great outlet. Not sure why, but we were glad we went today. Nemi filled our hearts with joy as he decided to forgo the stairs to go to the slide and go up an "obstacle". We were so proud of him. He is really coming out of his shell and trying things he would consider scary in the past.
It was really perfect because it was empty when we first arrived so we had the park to ourselves. I took lots of great pictures even though I was in photo-shoot mode and the kids only wanted to play. It was kind of funny that I would continue to stop their flow for a picture. Most of the times they ignored me... good for them... they just wanted to play... and I wanted to capture their joy.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
2 month visit
I had several questions and the doctor was great at letting me know what is up.
1. Kimberlee has lots of congestion and that is how Nehemiah sounded when he developed asthma, will she also have asthma?
- No. Her congestion is in the nose not the lungs, so she will be fine.
2. She has lots of dry skin and I wonder if it is eczema (sp?)?
- No. She just has lots of dry skin, feel free to use Aveno for babies and it should clear up, but we will check again at the next visit to be sure.
3. We may start vaccinating her at 24 months or so, what do you suggest be our plan of action?
- Well, at that age, children may become a bit traumatized because we have to give them so many shots to have them catch up that they begin to associate the doctor's office with pain. However, I will not give more than two shots at a time or if you want one at a time. We will just have to meet once a month to be able to catch them up with all the vaccines.
4. Could we bring our own earrings when you pierce her ears?
- No. We use a sterilized set of earrings made with material that will not interact with the skin and we strongly advice you have her wear those first before you put in regular earrings on her.
Ok. So there you have it. It was a great quick appointment and Kimberlee is just fine. On my way home I got a call from Nemi's teacher that he had a poopoo incident at school and had to get him. My little fella' :( I think he just had a very hectic weekend.
talk to you soon,
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Daily Record Article

March 14, 2009
Rockaway couple share story of birth on TLC program
By Rob Jennings
Daily Record
ROCKAWAY -- Datnee Smith is sharing the birth of her daughter, Kimberlee, with a national television audience.
Smith, 31, of Rockaway, her husband, Kimani, and Kimberlee -- born Jan. 16 at Morristown Memorial Hospital -- will be featured starting Tuesday on "A Baby Story."
The episode featuring the Smiths -- the 1,116th during the show's 11-year run on The Learning Channel -- will chronicle their lives through the latter stages of her pregnancy and Kimberlee's birth in Morristown.
The couple said video cameras and crew in the hospital delivery room were not a distraction, mostly because they were so focused on what was happening.
"After a while, you forget about them," said Datnee Smith.
Met in college
Smith was born in Puerto Rico and graduated from Nyack College in 2002 with a degree in psychology. She met Kimani Smith, now a quality assurance technician at Alcoa in Dover, while both were in college. They married and have a 5-year-old son, Nehemiah.
The episode, which will be repeated several times on TLC, will run for the first time at 3 p.m. Tuesday. Datnee and Kimani are holding a viewing party with family and friends at their Hillside Avenue apartment.
Smith said she is a longtime fan of the show and, upon becoming pregnant a second time, applied online to participate.
"We were really excited to have conceived again," she said
Smith explained that she was diagnosed with endometriosis following Nehemiah's birth and that doctors initially believed she might not be able to have another baby.
Smith, who delivered Nehemiah by Caesarean section, made the unusual decision -- in accordance with her doctors -- to deliver Kimberlee by what is referred to as a VBAC -- vaginal birth after Caesarean. Most woman who become pregnant after having delivered a baby by Caesarean section opt not to proceed with a vaginal delivery due to potential complications, such as rupturing, that are more likely due to the previous surgery.
Smith's obstetrician, David Garfinkel, said that "VBACs, in general, are always a little stressful," adding, "A lot of physicians are not offering VBACs because of medical liability issues."
But everything turned out fine. Garfinkel, who estimated he has delivered about 150 babies per year for the past 15 years, said the delivery was mostly uneventful with the exception of minor fetal distress.
Kimberlee arrived weighing 6 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 19 inches long.
TLC provided the following synopsis of what viewers will see and hear on television starting on Tuesday:
"Datnee's plan is to deliver this baby naturally. She felt like her right to labor as a woman was taken away from her the first time around, so she is bound and determined to get it right this time. And when she is a week overdue, the doctor decides to induce her.
"As the pitocin begins, Datnee is feeling good and thinks she can handle this pain for sure. She and Kimani walk around the halls of the hospital to kick labor into high gear. But as soon as the doctor checks her and she is 5 (centimeters) dilated. He decides to break her water, which throws Datnee into very active labor and the pain intensifies. Datnee's cries for help go unanswered as she quickly dilates to 10 and is ready to push!
"As the pushing begins, everything happens very fast and furiously. It took about four pushes before baby Kimberlee finds her way into the world. She is welcomed with cries of joy as this family is thrilled to finally meet her. Kimani is so proud that is wife was able to birth this baby just as she had planned! And when Nehemiah meets his baby sister for the first time, he has nothing but love for her."
Kimani Smith said he was glad to have participated in the show.
"I thought it was a wonderful experience, to show the whole behind-the-scenes," Smith said.
TLC declined to say what, if anything, the family was paid. Datnee said they were given a pack of diapers, two boxes of Clorox wipes and were promised a DVD of the show.
Additional FactsWhen to watch
The Smith family's "Baby Story" will air for the first time at 3 p.m. Tuesday on The Learning Channel.
Friday, March 6, 2009
And is it more unfair when that favorite parent is NOT the one who carried the child in their belly for nine months, seeing their body take on a whole new look, and then have to go under the knife to finally meet the child, and be recuperating from that surgery for YEARS to come.....
Hello!!! it is perfectly clear who the favorite parent should be, but no the jury has spoken and the vote was for none other than daddy. And yes he is a good daddy, but how about the momma.
Well, now there is another child who is clearly making it known that mommy is the preferred parent and no daddy, you do not get to be jealous in any way because for the past 5 years plus 9 months of belly time, I have been second and it is time for Mommy to be mommy and love every minute of it.
Yes, Nemi will FOREVER be daddy's boy. I have even asked him if he was mine in the midst of mending his wound and kissing his hurting knee:
MOM: "Nemi are you mine?"
NEMI: "Daddy's."
MOM: "Nemi are you Mommy's or Daddy's?"
NEMI: "Daddy's."
MOM: "Nemi come on, are you Daddy's or Mommy's?" (As if switching it up on him will really make a difference, I mean I am trying hard here.)
NEMI: "Daddy's."
MOM: "Oh! Ok. " (I guess I lose the battle again, but beware... I shall win the war, har har har har)
Well, this has been a fun little tug o'war that Kimani and I have always had. We love our Nemi, and now we look forward to Kimberlee wanting only Mommy, har har har..... :) I am having too much fun with this.
until later,