Welcome friends!!!

We are so glad you stopped by to share our blog. We love life and each other immensely. As much as we want to be with everyone at once it is just impossible, at least until they finalize that cloning stuff (jk). So this is a way for us to keep in touch with you and for you guys to share things with us. Do not be shy. We love to hear from friends new and old (especially if it has been a while). Let's chat, let's catch up, let's reconnect.

We wish you only the very best,
Kimani, Datnee, Nehemiah, Kimberlee, Daniel, and Naomi Smith

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Three stranded braid

By now my Kimberleesita knows the routine of getting her hair done. It will take a long time. Washing it is not fun. And it will take a long time.

However lately she has been a lot more cooperative. I think it can also be because I'm getting faster - even though her hair is getting longer.

In either case here are her beautiful locks in the most recent round of braids. They look great and she looks just beautiful.

I hope they last at least two weeks this time. We will see. :)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Silly willies

Recently we had a formal gig to go to and when we were dressed Kim quickly got the camera out. She never missed a photo op.

I love that we were all dressed up and acting so silly

My pretty girl, she makes me so much less self conscious. I hope I could that for her as well.

Daddy kangaroo and his Joey LOl!

This was so cute and sweet. A few days ago we took the kids out to play and though it was warmer than it has been in a LONG time it was a bit on the cool side. Kimani thought Naomi was getting too cold so he wrapped he me up inside his sweater like a baby kangaroo. The kids came over and we had a Goodrich about the baby being a joey whet her name is Naomi. She was as happy as could be to be cuddled by her daddy.

These boots...

Daniel has a true obsession with these boots. Of he could sleep with them he would. They are so big on him and he had managed to navigate himself with them to not fall or trip.

Today we went to the store and this nice family stopped their car to let me with the car seat and Daniel cross the street. When we were safe on the sidewalk the car pulls up next to is and say to Daniel, "hey little man, cool boots!" Daniel was all smiles and fives them a thumbs up. So cute.

Growing so fast

Here are a few pics of Naomi.

Eating, drinking and being merry.

Fall concert

Nemi's favorite day of the semester, the concert. Although he never actually sings at the concert. We sing at home for days before and after the concert, but he never sings the day of. Too funny. We love going and supporting him. As soon as he comes out the kids begin to scream his name and he loves to see us in the audience.

Go Nemi! And baby boy, you sing when you are good and ready. As long as you are standing up there you will always be the bravest boy to us.

Library outing

Here is Daniel doing this peg puzzle all by himself. He was do proud and so was I.

Team work

Recently Kim was helping Dan find a toy to go to bed and together they were rummaging through the you box.

Dan picks up a toy and says, "this one Kimberlee?"

Her response, "no, that one is too loud and noisy!"

I laughed so hard at that. Here they are still looking for something. I think they ended up agreeing on his Easter bunny, which he never took to his bed anyway.