Woohoo! Looking forward to seeing Dr. Garfinkel and to hearing the heartbeat of our new bundle.
We are so excited. Kimani and I agreed, well, he kind of told me, that it may be best for me to go to these appointments alone and have him stay home with the kids. I guess now that he knows exactly what goes on at the appointments he figures he could live without having to go to each and every one. Except the sonogram appointment. He wants to be there for that.
Oh! there goes Kimberlee out of he bumbo. OK so I guess that is too young for her now. It was good while it lasted.
Anyway, I look forward to seeing the girls again. Will update you when I get back.... no wait maybe tomorrow because truth be told I am exhausted and I may not log back in today. We will just say, will update you later.
ta ta.