Welcome friends!!!

We are so glad you stopped by to share our blog. We love life and each other immensely. As much as we want to be with everyone at once it is just impossible, at least until they finalize that cloning stuff (jk). So this is a way for us to keep in touch with you and for you guys to share things with us. Do not be shy. We love to hear from friends new and old (especially if it has been a while). Let's chat, let's catch up, let's reconnect.

We wish you only the very best,
Kimani, Datnee, Nehemiah, Kimberlee, Daniel, and Naomi Smith

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Baby Testing

So this past week I took a whole bunch of blood tests I should've taken earlier in the pregnancy if we'd known earlier.  LOL!  So now I am just waiting on the glucose (orange soda) test. Yum!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Life is full of Surprises!

I know it has been quite a while since I have written. It seems like once our camera went kaputs I just kind of gave up on the whole connecting thing. Now that we have a new camera, I feel like I have so much to share.

Well, the funniest story I can start with is that this very day ( Thur 4/5/2012) we found out we were pregnant with our fourth child.

Yup! we were a little shocked as well.

The kicker is that while at the doctor's office I was sent to do a sonogram to see how far along I am since I have been on the pill for the past 6 months (the ones that I thought get rid of your menstrual) and I remembered I had only missed one pill about two months ago.

When the scanner was placed on my belly a big baby face appeared. The tech said, 'Datnee, you're not a little pregnant. You are 19 weeks along.'

Yup! we were a little shocked at that too!

I've been pregnant since December. Wowsers!!!!!!

So the next question was, 'well, do you want to know what you're having?' Sure, might as well since we are just getting a boat load of news today. She searched around a bit and then said it is a girl.

What! How cool! Boy - girl - boy - girl. The exact opposite of my friend Leah. How awesome!

The news that it was a girl actually gave me a great deal of peace. I am really happy to know it is a girl.

At the end of the sonogram we called Kimani in to see the baby and told him I am almost 5 months along and his jaw dropped to the floor. We all laughed because I had warned them he would be very shocked, but I had underestimated his reaction. "How can that be? There is no way!" He said. 'Well, there is a way', the midwife told him.

Over all we are pretty excited to add another family member to our troop though we had actually decided to close up shop and be a happy family of 5. Too late for that.

We are just now in high gear to get our living situation addressed to get a better place to accommodate us all. We'll see how far we get with that. I am thinking we are in this little place one more year and then we will definitely have to move.

At first you think you have about 8 months to have a baby, but then you are told you will meet your bundle in about 4 months and things begin to melt together in your head.

Yeah! 4 months - that is a bit shocking too. Whew!!! Breath in breath out. We can do this.

- - -

As for me I really had no idea I was pregnant. My body was a little sore here and there, but dealing with kids on a daily basis it is easy to ignore that as everyday activity. I had no nausea, no body weight changes - everything still fits, my eating habits have not changed, nothing out of the ordinary at all. I had recently had two blood tests and I assumed if I was pregnant my PCP would have mentioned something from those tests. Well, I guess he did not check for that.

For whatever reason, recently when Kimani got home I was compelled, no driven - literally- to go to the store to get the test. I was not even sure why I was taking the test. It seemed like a bit of a waste of money since I expected a negative result. As a matter of fact, the next morning when I took the test I forgot all about it and it was hours later when I went back to check the results.

And surprise!!!! Two lines.