I had given the kids a bath the night before so that it would make the morning go smoother. It paid off since we got there like 10 after 9, which was quite an impressive accomplishment. Only 10 minutes late. I aimed to arrive at 9am thinking we would actually get there at about 10am, but hey, I will take 10 minutes late over one hour.
Kimberlee wore her cousin's yellow dress with the yellow hat. She looked too cute and she was quite warm with all the layers I put on her. Nehemiah wore jeans and a red shirt. He looked super cute too. I wanted them to dress in M&M colors (corny, right?). Kimani wore a yellow shirt to match his daughter and I was the odd ball in white and light green.
When we got there the line was already quite long. We were told that since Mars was not sure if it was gonna pour down rain or not, they decided to just set up tables and distribute the candy to the children and skip the hunt. We got so much candy I felt like it was Halloween and we should have been saying, "Trick or Treat".
We were excited to just be there. We took pictures with the Red and Yellow M&M characters. We did not have the heart to take Kimberlee out of her car seat because it was windy and it seemed like it got colder as time went by. The Easter bunny came out when we were leaving, but we decided to skip it.
In total we were there for about an hour and we wished the weather had cooperated and we could have stayed longer and taken more pictures, maybe next year.
It was a beautiful drive up and back that allowed for some nice conversation and I think we both feel that it was definitely worth it because that is the reason for these outings; for us all to reconnect and spend quality time together.
This weekend coming up I am going to do an egg hunt with Nehemiah here in the house/complex (if the weather permits) and that will be our Easter. Looking forward to more memories this summer.
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