Welcome friends!!!

We are so glad you stopped by to share our blog. We love life and each other immensely. As much as we want to be with everyone at once it is just impossible, at least until they finalize that cloning stuff (jk). So this is a way for us to keep in touch with you and for you guys to share things with us. Do not be shy. We love to hear from friends new and old (especially if it has been a while). Let's chat, let's catch up, let's reconnect.

We wish you only the very best,
Kimani, Datnee, Nehemiah, Kimberlee, Daniel, and Naomi Smith

Friday, May 29, 2009

Carrots and Bananas

OK so Kimberlee had her first feeding last week Thursday. Back then she hardly ate her food since she didn't really know how to open her mouth and swallow.

Last night I was once again blown away by her when she ate an entire jar of carrots and 3/4 of a jar of bananas. She was going for it. I was seriously amazed. I could not believe she almost ate two jars of food. She was hungry.

I stopped the rice cereal all together now because she definitely hates it. She only had it once during her very first feeding and she never liked it after that. She literally locks her jaw and I was using the pacifier to get her to open her mouth and now she does not even go for that if it is rice cereal. So smart.

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