Welcome friends!!!

We are so glad you stopped by to share our blog. We love life and each other immensely. As much as we want to be with everyone at once it is just impossible, at least until they finalize that cloning stuff (jk). So this is a way for us to keep in touch with you and for you guys to share things with us. Do not be shy. We love to hear from friends new and old (especially if it has been a while). Let's chat, let's catch up, let's reconnect.

We wish you only the very best,
Kimani, Datnee, Nehemiah, Kimberlee, Daniel, and Naomi Smith

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Izzy's time out

Who is Izzy? He is the cabbage patch we had to buy when the 'original' (Tommy) got tossed out after leaving him behind at someone's house.

The Story:

A few nights ago Kimani was playing his guitar as we were preparing for family prayer. Nehemiah likes to touch the strings on the guitar and 'play' along. This one particular night, Kimani asked Nemi not to touch the guitar. Nehemiah thought it would be great to get his buddy, Izzy to touch the guitar. Kimani then says, "Izzy don't touch!" That is when Nehemiah decided to put Izzy on the time out chair for 'not listening' . We laughed so hard.

It gets better. Nehemiah then says to Izzy, "listen for the timer!" as he went to the microwave in the kitchen and pressed the 1 minute button to get it going. We laughed at that too.

The best part is that one minute was too long for Nemi to wait so he stopped the microwave 32 seconds in just to get Izzy off time out.

He is too smart - he had us rolling with laughter.

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