Welcome friends!!!

We are so glad you stopped by to share our blog. We love life and each other immensely. As much as we want to be with everyone at once it is just impossible, at least until they finalize that cloning stuff (jk). So this is a way for us to keep in touch with you and for you guys to share things with us. Do not be shy. We love to hear from friends new and old (especially if it has been a while). Let's chat, let's catch up, let's reconnect.

We wish you only the very best,
Kimani, Datnee, Nehemiah, Kimberlee, Daniel, and Naomi Smith

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Snack Time Heartbreak

I am pretty in tuned with the time frame I have in the mornings to get the kids fed and dressed in time for Kimani to take them to school when he gets home from work. To the point that I am a bit prideful about the fact that the kids 'are never late to school because of me'.

Well..... never say never.  Today not only did I "get up" and start my duties late, but I totally forgot to place a snack in Kimberlee's backpack and Nehemiah went to school with no backpack at all [I mean you can see this was a really bad morning for me]

Fast forward a few hours and, like I do everyday, I asked Kimberlee what she had for a snack.  She begins to tell me how she did not have a snack in her backpack because when she left I was in the bathroom and I forgot and she did not get a snack.  I said, 'I know I am sorry - so what did you eat?' and her eyes opened up so big and she exclaimed. NOTHING! it was like she was saying "what do you mean. I didn't have a snack what else was I gonna eat!" the tone in her voice broke my heart in pieces.

To top it off she told me all her friends were eating their snack and she just sat there with her water.  [poor girl didn't even get milk - it was just a sad story all around] Kimani had to hold me to his chest as I cried I felt so bad. I could just imagine her sitting there looking at everyone eat.  urgh!!!  I'm gonna cry again.
UPDATE: (NOV. 21, 2012)
I contacted my daughter's wonderful teacher regarding our conversation about snack time and below is the response from her.

Mary Leslie via gmail.com 
1:21 PM (2 hours ago)

to datneesmith
We gave her a snack yesterday... she had a cheese stick :)  You were still PLAYED!

Datnee Smith datneesmith@gmail.com
3:34 PM (3 minutes ago)

to Mary
oh! snap...  I want my tears back. LOL that is too stinking funny. 

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