Welcome friends!!!

We are so glad you stopped by to share our blog. We love life and each other immensely. As much as we want to be with everyone at once it is just impossible, at least until they finalize that cloning stuff (jk). So this is a way for us to keep in touch with you and for you guys to share things with us. Do not be shy. We love to hear from friends new and old (especially if it has been a while). Let's chat, let's catch up, let's reconnect.

We wish you only the very best,
Kimani, Datnee, Nehemiah, Kimberlee, Daniel, and Naomi Smith

Friday, March 15, 2013

Challah bread

My good friend Leah brought her awesome bread maker over and we made this delicious loaf of bread (below).

It tasted so good. I'm gonna try to make some bread without the machine and see if I have any success.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy does that bread look good ;) - Leah